In partnership with Nood. Editor’s Note: We only select and work with partners that meet our quality standards, so you can rest assured we only endorse products we believe in.
After I graduated college, I rewarded myself for a job well done with laser hair removal for my… down there. That’s right, I’m talking full Brazilian. I was so excited to be rid of painful razor bumps and “oh crap” moments when I put a swimsuit on. But, like many things, the pandy had other plans.
When businesses reopened in my state, I was only halfway through my treatments when I learned the place I was working with didn’t survive the lockdown. As my hair grew back in, I was pretty certain I was doomed to live the razor life forever. Last year, in the midst of my sulking, I discovered Nood, an at-home hair removal solution. To say the least, I was skeptical, but decided to give it a try after doing quite a bit of research.
We like
+ Much less expensive than in-salon hair removal
+ Less painful than traditional laser hair removal
+ FDA-cleared device
+ Exceptional money-back guarantee
We don't like
- Only works on certain hair and skin types
- Flash is extremely bright (we recommend closing your eyes and/or protective eyewear)
- Wish it was cordless
Noodists, Unite
Nood is a direct-to-consumer brand that offers an at-home hair permanent removal solution through their device, The Flasher 2.0 ($169). The brand promises permanent hair removal in any body area – including underarms, legs, and the bikini/Brazilian area within 6-8 weeks of consistent use of its second-gen product. Perhaps an even bolder claim is that the brand lauds it as “pain free.” I’ve had laser hair removal, been waxed (everywhere, I might add), and have experienced razor burn, so I found it a bit hard to believe. In my experience, hair removal hurts. Despite my skepticism, I was eager (also read: desperate) to try something to get rid of my unwanted body hair, namely my armpits and down-there region. Before jumping in and ordering, I did a good amount of research.

Check Yourself (Before You Burn Yourself)
Nood is very upfront about the type of people that should and should not use the Flasher 2.0. I really appreciate the transparency and I’d imagine my friends who wouldn’t be able to use it might, too. Nood uses the Fitzpatrick skin chart to determine who can use the device. Types V and VI on the chart should not use the device, as you’ll be at a higher risk of adverse reactions. In addition, blonde hair and red hair body hair beauties should not use the device. I myself am a natural blonde, but my body hair is brown, which meant I was in the clear.

The Science & Safety of IPL
Nood uses IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy, which is a little different than the standard laser hair removal you might think of. Used for reducing signs of aging, lightening dark patches, and of course, to remove unwanted hair, IPL differs from laser in the number of wavelengths it delivers. IPL delivers multiple wavelengths, whereas a traditional laser only delivers one. This means that IPL allows for quicker treatments over larger areas of skin.
In addition to TQE, I also spend some time in the world of clinical trials (*cue “Best of Both Worlds”*). The Nood is FDA-approved, but my work has taught me how to read scientific papers and study results, so I want to share my own research of IPL with you in non-science lingo. Turns out, IPL has been around for a while. There was a board-reviewed clinical trial done in 2010 of twenty-two female patients that found 78% hair reduction after one month of regular treatments. More importantly, in my mind, is that there were no serious adverse events reported. I know it’s a small number of patients observed, but no adverse events is a great sign! This is not normal in many studies from what I’ve seen.

I also was worried about longer-term effects. My paternal grandfather passed away of lymphoma that was complicated by skin cancer and I have another family member that was recently diagnosed with early-stage skin cancer. So, before pulling the trigger, I did some searching around this, too. A 2017 study comprising 25 years worth of data found that the “existing evidence base… has not raised any concerns regarding its long-term safety with only a few anecdotal cases of melanoma post treatment over two decades of use.” Certainly, there is more research to be done, but I feel pretty confident in the research that IPL falls outside the spectrum of carcinogenic wavelengths.
The Skin Test
Once my research was done and my mind was at ease, it was time to try it for myself! I got the Nood in late December and began to use the device soon after. The directions make it very clear that everyone must do a skin test prior to starting full-blown treatments. Do not skip this! You do not want to have an adverse reaction on an entire region of your body. The skin test is quick; you simply prepare your skin by shaving/exfoliating, plugging in the device, and using the device in one spot of your skin at level 1. It’s best to use the area you want to treat. You work your way up to the level you can tolerate without pain (there are 7 total), then wait for 48 hours, repeating the skin test once more at the level you identified. Wait another 48 hours, then do it again. If you have no reactions, you are good to proceed! If you do have a reaction, do not proceed and contact Nood immediately to get a refund.

I began with my armpits and my “happy trail.” I was nervous that it would hurt, especially given my experience with laser. The Flasher 2.0 is as pain-free as it gets. I’m not saying there aren’t a few little pings, but it doesn’t hurt, especially compared to laser or waxing. The worst of it is like a little rubber band snapping, but for most of the flashes I couldn’t feel a thing. Nood has a few supplemental products which I got, The Reviver ($29) and The Revealer ($29), intended to help prepare and soothe skin. Candidly, I found my skin to be just fine without them.
So… Does It Actually Work?
For my armpits and happy trail, treatments took less than 5 minutes and I did it twice a week. I did take a 1.5 week break in my treatments for some international travel, but I don’t feel like that had a huge effect. I’m closing in on a month and a half of using the device and the difference is clear. I used to get stubble in my ‘pits at the end of the day, but not anymore. I go several days without shaving and feel that I’m well on my way to total hair loss in those areas. My biggest tip is to wear sunglasses and shut your eyes when doing the treatments! The flash is bright with a capital “b.” Do not take chances with your vision, friends. Just protect your eyeballs.
I do hope to have biological children in the coming few years. I’ve heard traditional laser hair removal is somehow hormonally reversed when you give birth and your hair grows back. It will be interesting to see if that happens with this treatment. I also want to see how this holds up a year from now, five years from now, etcetera. Maybe we’ll have to do an update in a few years, but for now… I’m “shaven” and satisfied.
Bye Bye, Body Hair
I’m still in shock that I spent thousands of dollars on laser hair removal that didn’t last – and now, for just $169, I’ve rid myself of my body hair (hopefully!) for good. Perhaps this comparison will put it into perspective: over 4 years, shaving costs nearly $500, waxing costs $3,120, and laser costs $2,500+. Why not just get it done in the comfort of your own home for a fraction of the cost? If you need me for more reasons this financially just makes sense, I’ll be heading south to “Bikini Bottom” with my Nood… if you’re catching my drift.
5 More Reasons to Get Nood:
- The brand offers a 90-day, no questions asked money-back guarantee, meaning there’s literally no risk to you to just try it.
- Nood uses Route, which is a package protection solution that protects your order in the off chance something happens to it during its delivery.
- Nood has a lifetime flash guarantee. If you ever run out of the 600k flashes they give you, they’ll replace your handset for free.
- The social media team at Nood is brilliant. As you can imagine, there are quite a few… erm… weird comments that happen. Just check out this hilariously witty response to a hater’s comment.
- The Flasher 2.0 isn’t just for women. Plenty of men are using it to get rid of hair in unwanted places. Your partner(s) will thank you. Trust us.