In partnership with Sollis.
April 17, 2023

This Members-Only Service Offers 24/7 Concierge Medical Care

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In partnership with Sollis.
April 17, 2023

This Members-Only Service Offers 24/7 Concierge Medical Care

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Over the past few months, I’ve been reminded on several occasions just how valuable my health is. I’ve had a few health scares that truly terrified me – and my fear was unfortunately compounded by several traumatic urgent care experiences. I endured a 17 hour emergency room stay only to find out the ER had conducted the wrong tests. I sat through 3 more urgent care appointments with 3 different doctors before I finally got the images I needed. Even with generally great healthcare ‘luck’ – I was at the top hospitals in the state with a solid health insurance plan – my experience left me exhausted and hopeless. Thankfully, while conducting some late night research, I stumbled upon a blog post raving about a concierge medical service called Sollis Health and their “loving, gentle experience.” Intrigued, I called to learn more.

Finding Sollis

Sollis is a members-only experience that includes unlimited access to medical centers + clinics across the country, unlimited 24/7 telehealth visits, and unlimited referrals to a network of nationwide  specialists (including expedited appointments). Membership also includes in-house blood work, orthopedic and wound care services, in-house medications and several other vaccines. For an extra fee, Sollis can also provide onsite advanced imaging, house calls, and other tests and medications. It’s not meant to replace your primary care physician, but instead works as an after hours/house call/emergency supplemental medical service.

A Personalized Experience

One of the most noteworthy parts about Sollis is that it focuses on a personalized experience. It reminds me of the good ole days my parents reminisce about – when doctors took the time to truly get to know their patients. The entire experience centers around comfort and ease – you can expect to be seen by a doctor instantly, do a full walkthrough of your medical history, have labs taken right away, and get immediate results and multiple solutions directly from a doctor. The physical office is also second to none – expect coconut water, an iPad and a comfy setup waiting for you as you enter your room.

Getting Started

As soon as I called Sollis, we set up an introductory “baseline” appointment to take my vitals to make sure they have accurate readings on file in case of an emergency. When I arrived at this appointment, I was greeted by an almost spa-like experience: the office was beautiful, the staff was incredibly friendly and I checked in within 60 seconds. I was then whisked away to my patient room, which was outfitted with a plasma screen TV, wabi-sabi like decor, coconut water, a robe and slippers. I hardly had time to enjoy these luxuries as a doctor knocked on my door less than 5 minutes later.

Experiencing The Difference

We spent an hour going through my medical history, and I was shocked by how heard I felt. The doctor listened to my concerns, symptoms and history before taking his time to figure out his next steps and plan. When we wrapped up our conversation, I was sent on my merry way – and I received a call with the results of my blood test before I even made it home.

Offering Peace Of Mind

While I’m grateful that I haven’t yet had to go to Sollis during an emergency, I feel confident that if and when something happens, I’ll be seen – and comforted – instantly. I immediately thought of my best friend and her growing family with two young kids. A service like Sollis becomes even more valuable when you consider the impact it could have in urgent/emergency situations for you and your family. Peace of mind is really important when you need medical care most, as well as for anyone dealing with chronic pain and undiagnosed health issues. I’ve never felt more at ease in a medical environment than I do at Sollis.

Interested In Trying It For Yourself?

Sollis is an out-of-network provider, so it’s not covered by insurance plans. Instead, annual memberships start at $3,500 per year based on age. It’s really an investment in both physical and mental health – there’s truly no better feeling than knowing you have a solid plan of action in case an emergency ever strikes. If you’re interested in learning more, you can complete an onboarding form on Sollis’s website. From there, Sollis will reach out to you to schedule an introductory call, followed by an onboarding call if you decide to opt for a membership.  I can’t recommend one enough.

Get started with Sollis today.
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