Sarah Weichel

Sarah Weichel of Swike Design, is a fresh breath of air within the Interior Design sector of the ever-evolving internet. Sharing her hot takes as a way to bridge the gap between the intimidating world of high-end interior design and the millennial home buyer. Her relatable, and comedic content isn't afraid to call out a historically guarded and stuffy industry. Thus, breaking the mold and allowing for a new genre of designers to arise. When she's not buying furniture for hot rich girls, you can catch her competing in horse jumping competitions or saving stray cats.

Sarah Weichel of Swike Design, is a fresh breath of air within the Interior Design sector of the ever-evolving internet. Sharing her hot takes as a way to bridge the gap between the intimidating world of high-end interior design and the millennial home buyer. Her relatable, and comedic content isn't afraid to call out a historically guarded and stuffy industry. Thus, breaking the mold and allowing for a new genre of designers to arise. When she's not buying furniture for hot rich girls, you can catch her competing in horse jumping competitions or saving stray cats.

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Sarah Weichel

Sarah Weichel of Swike Design, is a fresh breath of air within the Interior Design sector of the ever-evolving internet. Sharing her hot takes as a way to bridge the gap between the intimidating world of high-end interior design and the millennial home buyer. Her relatable, and comedic content isn't afraid to call out a historically guarded and stuffy industry. Thus, breaking the mold and allowing for a new genre of designers to arise. When she's not buying furniture for hot rich girls, you can catch her competing in horse jumping competitions or saving stray cats.

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