Why You Should Ditch Your Canned Pumpkin And Try This Digestive Superfood Instead

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Figuring out your pup’s digestive routine could be a full time job. To be totally honest, I didn’t realize that dogs need a digestive routine. My childhood dog could basically eat a tire and be just fine, but when I got a puppy of my own, I quickly learned that some dogs need some… extra attention in the digestive department. 

Many people recommend pumpkin purée, which I tried with some success before discovering (and falling in love with) Finn’s Pumpkin Plus Supplement. Long story short, I highly recommend it over any other product I’ve tried. If you’re feeling skeptical – I was too! Here’s why I love it so much.

What’s So Great About Pumpkin Purée? 

Pumpkin is basically a superfood for dogs! It’s rich in fiber (helps keep things regular), has a high moisture content (great for hydration), full of vitamins and essential nutrients (A, C, and E, as well as potassium and iron), and a prebiotic (promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut). 

All of these magical properties mean that if your dog is suffering from constipation, pumpkin can help keep things moving and promote healthy digestion. If your pooch has loose stools, pumpkin is rich in soluble fiber, which can help bulk up the stool and absorb excess water in the digestive tract.

Can’t I Just Buy A Can At The Store?

You can! I did at first – and noticed enough of an improvement in my pup’s regularity to recognize that pumpkin is beneficial for dogs. However, my experience with messy half-empty, crusted cans spilling in my fridge sent me searching for the benefits of pumpkin without the hassle of canned purée. I was also curious: could a better-quality product improve my pooch’s health even more?  

My search eventually led me to Finn’s Pumpkin Plus Supplement, which answered all of my questions – and prayers, too. Made with apple, sweet potato, miscanthus grass, and blueberry – designed to boost gut health, relieve diarrhea, and soothe constipation – this supplement is a total lifesaver. It’s exactly what I was looking for and, sparing you too many details, our issues are no more. 

Just five simple ingredients

It's Wag-worthy!

It’s great because you can use it as a topper on your pup’s food, mix it with water to make a puree, or even bake it into homemade treats. It comes in a cute metal can that doesn’t take up much room – so my fridge is mine again.

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It’s a small can that offers big results, and I can’t recommend it enough. Plus, we’ve scored you an exclusive discount to try it for yourself!

Use code TQE15 for 15% off.

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