Your guide to quality products and experiences. Be the friend that found it first.

The web is a massive, cluttered place. We get it: we, too, were overwhelmed with the abundance of products and experiences to choose from. Too much to sift through, not enough time or energy to find the quality goods.


And so in 2020, we set off on a hero’s (and heroine’s) quest to curate the web’s best brands. The Quality Edit collective of writers and editors spend an obsessive amount of time brandspotting, testing, and narrowing the focus of what products are worth your hard earned benjamins.

Vet. Curate. Recommend.

Each week, we publish the web's most buzzworthy launches. We also rigorously taste test food and bev brands vying for coveted space in our TQE pantry. Our pop culture editors diligently binge zeitgeisty TV to find the perfect fit dupe, while our travel writers jetset across the globe, carry-on in tow, hoping to score a Late Checkout.

How we do it

And we review products. A LOT of products. This is hard, serious work, and our editors won’t publish a recommendation unless we can stand behind the product wholeheartedly. Each product must pass muster for quality, design, brand aesthetic, and ethos. The bar is high, intentionally, and it’s the same standard we’d apply if we were recommending these products to our own friends and loved ones.

We’re delighted you're here – have a look around

Meet Lauren, Scott & Lee - Co-founders at The Quality Edit and Quality Media

The Founder’s Favorites

Click to reveal what products and articles each founder obsesses over